“Co Slashowi w duszy gra?” czyli pogaduchy o nowej płycie Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators

Burza ciemnych loków, cylinder i wierność gitarom Gibson Les Paul – wszyscy od razu wiemy o kogo chodzi! Slash pozostaje do dzisiaj jednym z najwybitniejszych gitarzystów, który na swoją pozycję w muzycznym świecie pracował latami. Sławę przyniosła mu grupa Guns’n’Roses ale nawet po jej rozpadzie nie zatrzymał się nawet na chwilę i podejmował się współpracy w coraz to nowych projektach. Ale najwidoczniej w Slashu pozostał muzyczny sentyment gdyż w 2016 roku zdecydował się powrócić na łono Guns’n’Roses.
Twórcza praca Slasha trwa nadal, gdyż 11 lutego 2022 ukaże się nowy album Slasha, Mylesa Kennedy’ego i The Conspirators zatytułowany po prostu “4”. Krążek ukaże się pośrednictwem Gibson Records we współpracy z BMG.
Slash podzielił się ostatnio kulisami powstawania albumu na międzynarodowym webinarze. Redakcja Strefy Music Art miała przyjemność uczestniczyć w tym wydarzeniu i z chęcią pokażemy Wam zapis tego wyjątkowego spotkania.
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Askers/Questions covered in the audio:
1. Alex Milas (Host) 
A lot of the record’s DNA was born from a conversation you had with the producer, Dave Cobb, about another producer, Glyn Johns. Curious why that was and why that name is so important to you.
2. Germany / Kirsten Gnoth / Funke Medeingruppe

The songs from “4” have a jam session vibe. What was it like recording it?

3. Spain / Micky Vega / Guitarristas.info

What is the best and the worst of recording track by tracks instead of recording live?

4. Alex Milas (Host)

You’ve probably recorded in every kind of studio environment, did you feel like maybe the musicianship is being lost somehow because there are so many tools available to people?

5. Sweden / Fredrik Brolin / Rockbladet

Have you ever made a mistake in the studio that ended up on an album and that annoys you every time you hear the song?

Sweden / Pauline Pousar / The Maloik Rock Blog

The new album seems a bit rawer and a little bit more punk-ish, was it intentional or did it just turn out like that when recorded “live”?

7.  Austria / Wolfgang Hauptmann / APA

Has the chemistry between you and Myles changed over the years? Have you grown together even better artistically? because in my opinion the new album is even more homogeneous than the previous albums.

8. Germany / Ralf Heuschkel / metal-heads.de

Did you learn or find out something about yourself during this long period of staying at home only and not playing on tour while the whole world sounds so quiet because of this f**king Covid-19 pandemic?

9. Alex Milas (Host)

Something people might have already read, it wasn’t an abstract thing, covid found you in the studio right?

Finland / Carina Lawrence / Dark Art Conspiracy

What was it like working with producer Dave Cobb and recording in Nashville at RCA Studio A and laying down all the tracks live?

Belgium / Cedric Maes / WillyRadio 

Did you ever get a musical idea watching a horror movie?

12. Sweden / David Park / Luthman 

Do you have a favourite riff or song you play when you test out a new guitar?

13. Faroe Islands / Ragnar Jacobsen / Kringvarp Føroya

The album will be released by the new Gibson Record company, what can you say about this company?

14. Austria / Brigitte Schokarth / Kurier

What is it that makes your playing and Myles singing such a good match?

15. Poland / Wieslaw Weiss / Teraz Rock

You used sitar in “Spirit Love”. How did you discovered sitar? Through The Beatles music? And what do you like about its sound?

16. Spain / David Gallardo / Mercadero Pop

When can we expect to have you here with us in Madrid again?

17. Poland / Aleksandra Jakubowska / Radio Eska Rock

Changing the way of recording, making it almost like live, leaving mistakes, leaving true and not perfect songs … During a pandemic, can this be called a kind of substitute for concerts that could not be played?

18. Brazil / Erica Roumieh / Wikimetal

You have always worked with analog sound on your recordings and that’s not usually how its done now in business so you are already reinventing that and now you recorded 100% live so I was wondering what have you learned from the experience? about yourself, about the band, about your relationship?

19. Alex Milas (Host)
When you started out with Myles Kennedy, did you think you would get to 4, that you would be doing it this long?

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